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Registering Your Standard 23 Character Domain - -
  1. Pick a domain name. Choose a name that is descriptive, catchy and easy to remember ... it's how people will know and remember you online!

    A domain name can be up to 23 characters long. Use letters, numbers or a hyphen. It cannot begin or end with a hyphen. Spaces and special characters (like the underscore '_' or an exclamation mark '!') are not permitted.

  2. Pick one or two alternate domain names. Do this in case your primary choice is already registered by someone else.

  3. $70 to cover a required 2-year registration. After the first 2 years, there is a yearly renewal fee of $35.00. InterNIC, the domain registrar, will invoice you directly for the initial 2 year registration fee and will contact you again in 2 years with a renewal reminder. You have the choice at that time whether to renew or not.

  4. Write your choices down. You will need them when you fill out the questionnaire later.

  5. $25/hr registration service. The registration form(s) are difficult and confusing for most people. We fill them out and initiate the registration process for you. No Headaches! No Wondering What Goes Here and What Goes There!

Registering Your New 67 Character Domain

We just received some extremely profitable information, that we wanted to share with you.

YOU CAN NOW REGISTER DOMAIN NAMES UP TO 67 CHARACTERS in length, including the ".com" or ".net" or ".org" extensions. No longer will you be limited to the previous 26 character domain names!

You may be saying "So what? What good is this to me?"

Well here are the cold hard facts... so pay close attention because you need to protect your business... and this is also an exciting opportunity to make a lot of money in a very short time and with very low investment costs! 

Let us summarize a few reasons then we will explain the details in a moment about each one: 

  • Register domain names that are "catchy" and in demand in the hope to sell that domain for a large profit in the future (e.g. sold for 1 million dollars this year!) 

  • Register domain names for your company and products that are over 23 characters long.

  • Register a better domain name than what you have now (for example, if your domain name is difficult to remember, has a .net or .org extension ... you can get a .com address that will much better suit your business).

  • Register domain names that are rich in keywords and drastically increase your search engine rankings! Search engines generally improve your rankings if the keyword appears in the domain name. Now you can fit in far more keywords in a single domain
    name than was ever possible before.

About 5-6 years ago when the Internet was still very new, a few people saw an opportunity. Relying on the idea that the Internet was going to become massive, they started buying up domain names. Why? So when the Internet did become huge and the large corporations decided it was time to capitalize on this new marketing medium, they could turn around and sell these domain names to the big corporation for 1000 times the price they paid!

Imagine if you had purchased or when they first became available! You would be a millionaire today with almost no work or investment on your part! The domain was just sold for $7.5 million, and were sold for $1 million each ... and the list goes on and on.

This quality of domain names is no longer available... but allowing domain names up to 67 characters has COMPLETELY EXPANDED YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO REGISTER DOMAIN NAMES THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE OTHERWISE. All of the good one word ".com" domains are still taken but catchy phrases and longer company names over 23 characters are not available! There are thousands of domains sold every day, some for tens of thousands of dollars, to corporations that want the domain you own.

You also want to protect your business and product names.

To give you an idea, we were never able to register the domain name because it was too long, but as of a few days ago, we were able to register it. If someone had registered the name before us, we would have had to buy it from them at an elevated cost. All they had to do was register this domain for a mere $60  and they could have charged ten times that in pure profit!

We are telling you this so you can protect your own company names, product names, etc from people that are low enough to do this to you. Register your domains now! Protect yourself and your business interests. 

When we say this is time sensitive, WE ARE VERY SERIOUS. If you do not jump on the bandwagon now, and if you even wait a few weeks ... you are going to lose out. All of the .com domain names that are in demand over 23 characters are going to be registered.


If you were one of the unfortunate ones that had to settle for a name that really did not suit your Internet Business or were even stuck with a .net or .org address, this is your chance to get the domain name that reflects your company and will be easily remembered! 

We have people asking us "Is there a difference between .net and .com?" and we tell them the same thing every time ... if you are only using a .net address and not a .com address, you are losing your hard earned visitors. Everyone remembers .com before .net, it's that simple. Even most web browsers, if the extension is not entered, will default to .com. So like we said before, if you only have a .net address because you could not find a .com that suited your website or business ... NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! 

This is also an incredible opportunity to increase your search engine rankings! As we  mentioned above the search engines just eat up domain names that are rich with keywords ... they love them! For example if you had an animal related website and owned you could register ... 

The search engines would thrive on this! It covers all your keywords in the URL alone. This was not possible up until now!

Or how about ...

If you owned a site related to automobiles you could almost describe your whole site!

On a side note you may have noticed we used hyphens in our examples. Search engines prefer URL's that use hyphens and visitors prefer URL's without hyphens. So if you want to increase your search engine rankings and increase your visitors CONSIDER REGISTERING BOTH!

This could be the opportunity you need to jump your rankings from the top 100 to the top 10 and double your search engine traffic just by adding a new domain name to your website so
don't miss out!

Start brainstorming and coming up with names right away and register as soon as you can ... for a mere $60 you cannot go wrong. We guarantee a good .com address is going to pay for itself a thousand times over ... faster than any .net or .org address ever could.

We sincerely hope you take everything we've just talked about seriously ... these are both incredible opportunities to skyrocket your profits on the Internet with very little effort and investment on your part. If you don't utilize them, we guarantee that YOUR COMPETITORS WILL!

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This page was last updated on 05.31.2009