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Web Language Dictionary
Welcome to NetLingo! - The online dictionary containing hundreds of words that are emerging as a new vocabulary surrounding the technology and community of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Launch NetLingo floating window which lists all the words in the dictionary that you can keep on your desktop as you read this site or surf around the Internet. Each time you see a word you don't understand you can pull up the floating window and look it up!

Find also terms and definitions in Glossary of Internet Terms or click the first letter of the term you are looking for in the alphabet:

An advertisement on a Web page that links to an advertiser’s site. Ad banners are the most common unit of advertising on the Web and cost anywhere from free to upwards of $15,000 per month depending on the amount of page requests the Web site recieves. The standard size for an ad banner set by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. Visit banner samples and see banner and button other standard sizes. 

Domain (name)
The "address" or URL of a particular Web site. This is also how you describe the name that is at the right of the @ sign in an Email address. is the domain name where this site is hosting. There is an organization called InterNIC that registers domain names for a small fee and keeps people from registering the same name.

Hosting terms

Link Exchange Banner Network
To advertise your site on one or more of link exchange special ad servers. An ad server  manages and maintains ad banners for a Web site. Programs used are extremely sophisticated and are capable of keeping track and reporting Web site usage statistics. Ad banners can then be targeted towards certain types of individuals. It also provides the ability to rotate banners so a user won’t see the same banner every time they come back to the same page. 
Most popular banner network is named MSN Link Exchange (LE): Reaches more than 65% of all visitors to the web, and over 40 million viewers, over 450,000 sites in 32 languages are indexed.

Meta tag
An optional HTML tag (HTML code element) that is used to specify information about a Web document. Some search engines such as AltaVista use "spiders" to index Web pages. These spiders read the information contained within a page's META tag. So in theory, an HTML or Web page author has the ability to control how there site is indexed by search engines and how and when it will "come up" on a user's search.
The META tag can also be used to specify an HTTP or URL address for the page to "jump" to after a certain amount of time. This is known as Client-Pull. What this means, is a Web page author can control the amount of time a Web page is up on the screen as well as where the browser will go next. 
Here's a look at the syntax for search engine indexing: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Page title</TITLE><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="keyword listing"><META NAME="description" CONTENT="description given"></HEAD></HTML> .

Search Engine
A program which acts like a library card catalog for the Internet. Search engines attempt to help a user isolate desired information or resources by searching for keywords that the user specifies. The method for finding this information is usually done by maintaining an index of Web resources that can be queried for the keywords or concepts entered by the user. The index can be built from specific resource lists or created by Web wanderers, robots, spiders, crawlers, and worms. From the Net surfer point of view search engines can be quite tiresome and not very fruitful if you don't know how to use them correctly. Different engines are good for different kinds of searches. It's a good idea before using a search engine to read the help section of the engine's Web site to see what the best way is to optimize your results.
Among top sized engines are: HotBot, AltaVista, Northern Light, Exite, Infoseek, Lycos, Yahoo and many others.

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