KRT Website Design Family Studio, Odessa, Ukraine-Professional website design services at very reasonable prices
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Frequently Asked Questions

Could I produce a Web Site myself?
How long will it take to complete my Web site?
What will my Web site cost?
Where can I find information to plan my Web site?
Do I need my own domain name?
Who can benefit from having a Web site?
What special computer equipment do I need?
I have a very small company, so what can I do to keep the price of my Web site low?
How will anyone find my Web site?
Our company already has a Web site. Can you help us to improve it?

Could I produce a Web Site myself?

Yes. There are many good HTML authoring packages on the market, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The pros and cons of doing it yourself verses hiring a professional must be weighed up: 
  • The evaluation time in finding a suitable HTML authoring package. 
  • The cost of the package. 
  • Time spent learning how to use the software. 
  • Do you have a scanner or other way of creating images (photos, logos, etc.) in digital format, so they can be used on your web site? 
  • Your skills at manipulating images in a photo editing tool, such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro (that is, of course if you have access to any of these. 
  • How much time are you prepared to set aside for planning and producing your site? What is the cost of your time away from your regular job? 
  • Marketing your site. How do you plan to get your site to continually appear in the top 10 search engine results? You will need strategically placed key words and phrases within the HTML coding of your page(s), including meta tags, in order for your site to stand a chance of appearing high in search engine results. 
  • AltaVista, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, Yahoo, HotBot, Webcrawler and AOL (to name just a few), rank and list sites according to slightly different criteria. Do you know enough about each of the major search engines to code your pages in order to get the best possible results from each of the search engines? 
  • Do want on-line reply forms. If so, you may need to write a CGI script. Will you be able to do this? 
  • Are you capable of producing a site which portrays the right message about your company's image and brand? If not, what negative effect could this have?

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How long will it take to complete my Web site?

The length of time to complete your Web site depends on your needs and on how the information you give us is complete. A Web site may be simple or quite complex. It may only take a couple of days to complete your entire Web site if you do not ask a custom design (templates will be used) and choose to include a logo, a few pictures, and basic information about you or your company. If you are wanting to include numerous pictures and/or descriptions of many products, custom graphics, complex designs, a guestbook, a company directory, price lists, etc., your Web site will take additional days to design and complete. Our experience shows that completeness of information you supplied us is crucial. 
Also, a domain name (for example, usually requires several days to be established.

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What will my Web site cost?

There are five different costs associated with getting a Web site. They are registering a domain name, Web hosting, Web design, Site Maintenance, and additional Site promotion.
Please note that the domain registration fee is not associated with our Studio. We recommend you to register a domain name, if only necessary, after your site is ready and installed. 
The price of your Web site design and hosting varies. Many Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Internet Presence Providers (IPP) offer free Web site hosting. We recommend to begin with free Web site hosting at, best US public server. In any case, we install your site at in order you see it before final approval. Monthly Web hosting service at commercial IPP usually starts at about $25/mo. Be careful when choosing a Web hosting commercial service. There are Web hosting companies charging over $100/mo that offer no additional features or services than some priced at under $50/mo. Similarly, there are Web hosting companies that charge very low rates that may not offer the reliable service you may expect. We are able to recommend you a proper choice of commercial IPP according your needs.
The cost of your Web site design will depend on your needs. A basic Web site  of 1 - 2 pages (the Entrance package) with a logo, a few images and/or hyperlinks, and text can be inexpensive, but the price will increase as you add more pages, links, features, custom graphics, text, etc. We work fast and 
efficiently and will work with you to help keep your cost within your budget.

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Where can I find information to plan my Web site?

We recommend that you search for some sites on the World Wide Web that are similar to the Web site that you are planning to have created. For instance, if you are planning a business Web site, always look at some of your competitors. You can be sure that each of your competitors has spent numerous hours planning the company site, so analyzing these Web sites and utilizing the best concepts will certainly be to your benefit. You certainly do not want to copy another company's Web site, but implementing a few ideas from five or ten well-designed Web sites will give you an excellent place to start.

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Do I need my own domain name?

We can help each individual determine if you should have your own domain name (for example, ""). Although there are additional charges to get your own domain, it is generally a worthwhile investment. Having your 
own domain name is basically additional name recognition and advertising for your business. A Web address like "" is much easier to remember and to promote than an address like "". In addition, if you ever need to change your Internet Service Provider or if they happen to close their business, you would have to find a new service provider and advertise your new Web location and e-mail address. However, if you have your own domain name you can always transfer it to a new Web hosting service, and your Web site and e-mail address will remain the same.
Nevertheless, we recommend to begin without your own domain name. Your URL will be or, if you wish or or or other easy to remember URL. 

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Who can benefit from having a Web site?

You can! Whether you are trying to sell products or services or just want a personal Web page to keep your friends and family updated, you can almost surely benefit from having your own Web site. Your business Web site will provide your customers with information about your company 24 hours a day and will be accessible all over the world.
If you have a business, you probably receive many phone calls from potential customers asking the same basic questions. They want to know more information about your products or services, or would like to get a price estimate. If you have this useful information on your Web site and direct people to your Web site in all of your advertisements, it is very possible that you can prevent some of these redundant phone calls. Your potential customers will be happy because they can learn about your business in the privacy of their own homes 24 hours a day. You can be happy because you can have your staff working on other projects rather than answering the phone.
Many Internet Service Providers offer free personal Web space to their customers, so why not allow us to make a family page for you. You can provide information about your family history, your pets, or just inform your friends of your family's accomplishments. Please read about our privacy policy

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What special computer equipment do I need?

None! You can actually have your own Web site without even owning a computer. However, at a minimum, you should probably have a computer with 
a modem and an e-mail account with an Internet Service Provider. Since we will create a Web site for you and transfer it to a Web server of your choice, you do not need to own any special equipment and software. Your Web site could direct people to call/fax you and/or send you e-mail, so at most you would simply need an e-mail account.
Nevertheless, you will need a computer connected to Internet to see your site for final approval and even along of web design process to give us comments and corrections.

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I have a very small company, so what can I do to keep the price of my Web site low?

We will work with you to keep the price of your Web site within your budget. Although we will offer as much assistance as you need, you can do several things to save money. The planning stages of your Web site could take several hours by itself. However, if you will analyze some of your competitors' Web sites, write down the aspects that you like or dislike, and get an idea of how you might organize your site, it will provide an excellent place to start. In addition, on pages where you will be providing detailed company or product information, you can certainly type this information on a computer word processing program and provide us with a copy of the file on a disk (via DHL) or send it to us via e-mail. Since we will only be implementing this information rather than typing and proofreading it, you will save money.

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How will anyone find my Web site?

Creating an attractive Web site and waiting for people to locate it does not work. We can provide ideas to help you get your Web site noticed. As soon as your site is approved we register it with popular search engines. This will help potential customers find your business when searching for information on the Internet. We will register your Web site with many of the major search engines as part of our regular packages cost. In addition, make sure you add information about your new Web site on all of your printed materials, including business cards, invoices, statements, etc. Keep in mind that many search engines take 2-6 weeks to list your Web site, so it may take several months to start receiving an appreciable amount of visitors.

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Our company already has a Web site. Can you help us to improve it?

Certainly! We will evaluate your Web site and offer suggestions for improvement. We will take a look at the HTML coding to make sure it has been done correctly and that your page will be viewable by most Web browsers. We also check your site for ease of navigation, broken hyperlinks, quick loading time, etc. We believes that a Web site should be very well organized, regardless of whether the site has only one page or hundreds of pages. Visitors to your site should be able to easily find the information that they want, and we can help you to achieve this goal!


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This page was last updated on 05.31.2009