KRT Website Design Family Studio, Odessa, Ukraine-Professional website design services at very reasonable prices
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Website ReDesign
Questionnaire & Order Form
Required Fields are Shown in Red & Marked with
Questionnaire Section
By providing the following information, you can assist us in serving you better.

All information you enter here will be used for internal purposes only. We do not sell or give away customer information to anyone for any reason. If you would like, please read our Privacy Policy.

If you don't have all the information requested below readily available, don't worry ... we will get to the details later. However, the more information you can provide us with at this stage, the better we can evaluate your needs. We will email you within 72 hours with our response.

First Name
Last Name
Company/Home based
Email Address
Current Site URL
(Web Address)
Domain Name Wanted or (Exclude http://)
1st Alternate or (Exclude http://)
2nd Alternate or (Exclude http://)
How many new pages to add? (Best estimate for now...)
New Website Title?
Launch Date to Target (mm/dd/yy)
Explain in your own words why you want to redesign your existing web site
What you like about your existing
web site?
What you do not like about your existing web site?
Miscellaneous notes
For graphics, I will...
Note: If you can provide web ready graphics on disk, in either .gif or .jpg (.jpeg) formats, and snail us this disk or email us disk content this will help hold your cost down. If we have to develop new graphics and artwork, or scan them in, or manipulate them in any way, it will add to your cost.
For Content Text, I will...
What would you like to add on your new site?

(Check all that apply)

Guest book(s)
        (for visitors to email you their comments
; visit Guestbook custom design
        or different standard designs here and here
Request for Information online form(s)
(visit Registration Form sample here)
Online Order Form(s)
(visit samples here and here)
Printable Order Forms
Secure Order Form(s)/Credit Card Transactions
(visit a sample here)
Online Shopping Cart(s)
(visit Shopping Cart samples here and here and  here)
Sound & Audio File(s)
        (businesses should use these sparsely, if at all)

Animated JPG (JPEG), GIF(s)
Video Clip(s)
        (businesses should use these sparsely, if at all)

Email Server-on-Site
(visit Email Center-on-Site sample here)
Java Applet(s)
Web Ring Registration and Installation
(visit Web Ring Page sample here)
Link Exchange Banner Network(s) Installation
(visit Banner Network Installation sample here)
Chat Room
       (visit Chat Room samples here and here)
Search your site engine
       (visit samples here and here)
Page auto-translation to French, German, Italian, Portuguese,
     and Spanish
(visit a sample page here)
Page in Russian inserted to English speaking site
       (visit a page example here)

Other, please contact me to discuss further
(many other different web engines-on-site will be added soon)
Ordering Services Section
Account Type Business Account
Personal Account
  Note: If you are seeking services in both areas, select both Account Types above.
Primary Contact Information
The information in this section should reflect our primary contact information for you. This is the person who will be called or emailed for any issues or questions dealing with your account.
First Name
Last Name
Company/Home based
Zip Code
Day Phone + ( ) ext.
Evening Phone + ( )
Fax Line + ( )
  ***  Primary Email
Secondary Email
  *** Note: The primary email address is our main contact with you. Any correspondences will be sent through this address. Please make sure that you enter a current email address into this field.
Billing Information
The information in this section should reflect our billing contact information for you. This is the person who will be called or emailed for any payment issues or questions dealing with your account.

We accept payment via the Western Union Money Transfer service. At this time, we are reviewing merchant account programs in order to be able to accept credit cards. 
For domain name hosting & registration services, credit card payments may be accepted.

Same as Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Company/Home based
Zip Code
Day Phone + ( ) ext.
Evening Phone + ( )
Fax Line + ( )
Service(s) Requested
Check all that apply.

If you are registering a new domain, enter your first choice as well as at least one alternate (to be used if your first choice is already registered by another party). Provide only the domain name (e.g. -- do not include 'http://www'.

Examples: or [26 positions]

Register a New Domain with Hosting
Existing Domain - Transfer to New Host
Domain Name
1st Alternate
2nd Alternate
Note: We will contact you regarding what you want for your Account Password as well as how many email addresses you would like and their respective passwords.
New Website Design
Existing Website Redesign
Number of Images to Scan
Existing Site URL
 (Web Address)
Is there a style you like? Give URL
 (Web Address)
Choose a Website Maintenance Plan
Choose a Website Search Engine Submission Plan Yearly Contract (Quarterly Submissions)
Single Submission
How much Consulting Time is Needed?
How Did You Find Us
How did you find us?
If you have been referred to us by someone, please enter their name and/or phone number  or email address.
Use this section to provide us with any comments, additional information or special instructions that you would like to let us know about.
Submit Your Order
Please re-review the information you have supplied above. This page has to be checked for errors before your information is emailed to us.

If you find any errors, please take this time to make those adjustments now before clicking the "Submit your Order" button below.

If you would like to totally clear all boxes and start over, please click the "Clear (start over)" button and begin again.

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© 1997 - 2001 KRT Web Service Studio, Odessa, Ukraine

This page was last updated on 11.18.2001